DeMarcus Cousins Threatens to Kill Ex-Girlfriend in Leaked Phone Call

Brad Sullivan
3 Min Read

Injured Los Angeles Lakers center DeMarcus Cousins was married on Saturday to girlfriend Morgan Lang, but a disturbing aspect connected to Cousins’ previous relationship could end up overshadowing the wedding.

A recently posted video shows Cousins threatening ex-girlfriend Christy West because she refused to let her and Cousins’ seven-year-old son attend the wedding.

The video recorded by Lang offers a snippet of the conversation in which Cousins issued an explicit threat to kill her.

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“I’m gonna make sure I put a bullet through your f——- head,” Cousins said after West asserted that their son wouldn’t be at the big man’s wedding.

Cousins has had plenty of ups and downs the past few months. That stretch that began with a loss in the NBA Finals as a member of his former team, the Golden State Warriors. That was followed by his signing with the Lakers and his recent ACL injury that’s expected to keep him out of the 2019-20 season.

Yet the problems Cousins and West have had are far more serious, according to

“Cousins and West have had a tumultuous relationship as West has made a petition for protection from abuse from Cousins regarding verbal and physical abuse and issues dealing with child support dating back to 2014,” the article read.

Trying to determine whether or not Cousins actually did make such a threat will likely require an investigation by the NBA and, more importantly, from law enforcement. In the latter case, reports that the Mobile, Ala. police department is set to begin one after West filed a complaint in the wake of receiving the call.

Cousins has had anger issues on the court in the past, often ranking at or near the top when it comes to technical fouls called. It remains to be seen if such issues were elevated to a much more dangerous level in his private life.

In the meantime, Cousins will be enjoying his honeymoon and then resuming his rehabilitation to get back to the court as quickly as possible.

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Brad is a freelance writer for, who can clearly recall watching Lakers games in 1972 as they captured the first of their 11 Los Angeles-based titles. The franchise's evolution into a beloved and iconic franchise among its fan base since that memorable year allows for a wider perspective to be a part of his writing about the team's current fortunes.